Yes, I know I wrote about going to the new Osaka Krisy Kreme before, but guess what??? This time, we actually got donuts!!!
Since the kids and I first attempted to go to Krispy Kreme, we have been talking about donuts. We made our own donuts. We have read one of our favorite books, The Donut Chef by Bob Staake over and over, and we have been working on a special donut project (to be seen later this week). Now, it was time to see them being made in large quantities and eat them!
When we arrived, it was 11:45 and we could see a man holding a sign saying 1 hour, which I assumed meant the wait time. He quickly pointed to an intersection down the street and told me to go there and turn left to get a number to wait in line. (The Krispy Kreme is on the corner of a VERY busy intersection, so they have you go down the street to line up and wait on a much much wider sidewalk, then you are told when you can leave that line to the shorter line in front of the store to wait longer.) There is no problem doing this here, having a line split up by two whole city blocks, I think in the US it would be a problem.
I got to the other line, which wasn't bad, and I didn't mind waiting, neither did the kids, the weather was nice, and there's always lots of people watching. As we were standing in line, I was wondering why I hadn't received my ticket yet, when I overheard the officer and the employee talking in japanese that neither of them could speak English. I stood there trying to make eye contact and politely said that I could speak some Japanese, they were so relieved. I knew enough to understand that I could choose 2 dozen glazed or a dozen glazed and a dozen assorted. I told them the later of the two and he kept saying something to me that I didn't get. I pointed again to the picture on the sign and he handed me four tickets, number 72, 73, 74, and 96- I'm still not sure why the third number was so different.
About ten minutes later, a woman wearing a Krispy Kreme uniform, escorted by this line officer came up to me.
They were like "here, here she is!"- referring to me. She asked me what did I want and I told her 2 dozen, 1 assorted, 1 glazed and she said "Okay you need different tickets". Next thing, I exchange my white tickets for green tickets, same thing, three chronological and one different. She took me out of line and walked me right into the store, can I say this lady was my hero.
There were four registers, all EMPTY! We went right in, ordered our donuts and paid! While I was paying an employee came over and gave us each a free hot glazed, and they were so delicious, well worth the wait.
As it turns out, the one hour wait was to choose your own assortment. Seriously, I don't mind waiting either way, but when you can go in and choose right away with no wait for a preboxed versus wait an hour to choose your own, the choice does seem obvious to me. Well, the kids and I went outside to watch the donuts being made while eating our freebies and the others still waiting in line just stared and drooled.
The kids enjoyed this part, where the donuts got their glaze: (pardon the photo, I snuck in between people and there was quite a glare on the window at noon that day)
But in all honesty, I think their favorite part was getting these hats:
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