Friday, September 7, 2012

Lunchbox Order Forms

I get up at 4:30 most days of the week.  I like to hit the gym early- it's my way of starting the day on a good note.  By the time I get home from the gym, it's 6:45 and I've been up for over two hours.  IF I take a shower and make myself coffee, I'll be pushing it to get the kids out the door in time for school.  Most days, I barely have time to make them all breakfast, make sure they're dressed, get their bags ready, and pack healthy lunches and snacks.  Add to the equation, there is no more bus, and we bike to school everyday-we've got to get out the door earlier to make sure there's enough time to get the bikes out, helmets on, and allot for stopping time along the way or unforseen "emergencies".

Fast forward to the kids coming home:   the two boys come home from school complaining that they are STARVING- for various reasons, but the number one annoying reason to me is: " I DIDN'T like my lunch Mom!"  I do not like to waste time, or food, so I had to put a stop to the complaints and came up with an order form system for my kids.
I got a magnetic white board (in the dollar bin at Target).  Each Sunday night, I write down the menu choices for the week, based on what we have available.  I set the board on the table and the kids fill out their forms for the week.  (Great to keep them busy while I'm making dinner Sunday night).
I went into power point, and made a strip of order forms with five boxes, one for each day of the week. The kids can choose their lunch, a dessert, and their fruit of choice.  This way, if they come home complaining about their lunch, it all falls back on them, because that's what THEY chose.
This also saves me time because I am no longer stuck in the kitchen wondering "what should I pack today?".  I can make better use of my time now, like drinking my coffee while it's hot!

An added bonus:  Writing and reading practice!

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